From £34.69
Here are some examples of prices to send a parcel to Uzbekistan. We have many options, so for a personalised quote please enter the weight of your item into the quote box below.
The Republic of Uzbekistan is a doubly landlocked country and shares borders with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan which are also most abundant in natural resources. Uzbekistan, in particular, earns significant resources from gold, uranium and natural resources.
Uzbekistan isn't the most accessible of countries so it should be of no surprise that delivery times to the former Soviet nation isn't as quick as some more distant but higher trafficked destinations. A Parcel sent via DHL Air Express would normally take between three and five days from the date of collection, whilst this could be between four and six for Parcel Monkey Air Express.
At the time of writing, you could expect to pay just over £30 for a small package weighing 1kg via Parcel Monkey Air Express. This service is an express delivery service that is far cheaper than booking DHL as it is collected in the UK using our heavily discounted Parcelforce rates before being delivered in cities such as Tashkent by DHL.
DHL provides a delivery service to Uzbekistan which arrives in 3-5 days, available at a discounted rate using the Parcel Monkey quote engine.
The information present on the State website isn't clear, however, the US site offers some clearer advice on shipping to Uzbekistan. However, you can contact them on [email protected] or by telephone on (99871) 120-76-31.
At the time of writing this includes jewellery fewer than five items in total or less than 30grams, drugs, endangered species, printed material and similar which is likely to undermine the state and public order, plant material etc.
Great as always! I regularly send parcels to my parents from UK to Central Asia and last time ( January 2021) it was delivered to the country in 5 days(plus 1-2 days to hand it over)! Parcel Monkey is doing an amazing job by helping lots of people to show their love and care to their families throughout this period of pandemic with no stress. You are the best - fast service for an affordable price! Very grateful!
Very happy with the service as I found it very reliable and fast service
Brilliant service, very professional team :) recommend to anyone :)
I am very happy :), your service is brilliant! Thank you!
easy pick up, fast delivery, many thanks!
It was quick and professional, many thanks :)
Used FedEx via Parcel Monkey and nearly half the price of going direct to FedEx. Everything was easy.
The site gave multiple options for international postage which worked out great. The cost of International postage on a side note is an absolute scandal. But not the fault of this company. I would happily use the service again
Very good experience. I would use this parcel service more often.
It was good that you sorted out the exact weight. I didnt have any scales so guessed. Very happy to pay the extra and not having the parcel delayed. Thank you!
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