TK Maxx does not offer a free postal returns service and goods are to be returned at the cost of the customer. You can check the extensive Returns Policy for TK Maxx before you return any items to them, as it can be subject to change.
You will need to complete the returns form on your despatch form provided with the delivery of your item purchased online. If you do not have this note then include the following information on a piece of paper and insert with your returns-
You will need to repackage the goods properly and return to
TK Maxx Returns
DHL Supply Chain
Unit 1
Waver Way
Rugby CV23 0XF
Whenever you return goods to a retailer ensure you get proof of postage. Parcel Monkey offer this, plus you can book a collection of your item from your home or work address. It is the sender's responsibility if items are lost or damaged.
A refund will be issued within 7 days of receiving your return. Delivery costs will only be reimbursed if the item is found to be faulty,
Book a courier to return your items to TK Maxx
Compare, book and send parcels using discounted parcel delivery services. Save time & money with Parcel Monkey.
Have your item collected and delivered the same day by express courier in the UK. Learn more.
Have your item collected and delivered the same day by express courier in the UK. Learn more.
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